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Capri's 71 SS

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Capri's 71 SS last won the day on December 12 2022

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About Capri's 71 SS

  • Birthday 10/29/1964

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Brunswick Hills, Ohio
  • Legal Name
    Capri Blasco
  • Occupation
    Administrative Assistant - ESC of Northeast Ohio
  • My Monte ('s)
    1971 SS454

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  • Honorary Officer - Retired FGMCC Secretary

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  1. No traditions here - Happy New Year to all! Sending blessings of health & prosperity to all FGMCC members and their families.
  2. So very sad. Many prayers to the Patterson family.
  3. WELCOME to the best club EVER!!! So glad you found us and joined!!
  4. Hey Joe - nice of you to stop by!
  5. Life has been crazy busy with all of Drake's year end graduation festivities! Plus I am switching jobs and recovering from a shoulder clean out surgery. Spent 3 weeks in a sling (right arm - sucked....) but am now recovering and enjoying physical therapy twice a week. Greg and Drake will be heading to Kentucky at the end of the month for the Street Car take over in BG, Kentucky. A little guy time after his party and before he heads off to college. Dreading dropping off the baby 4 weeks from today...eek!!!! We will be alone for the first time since 2002. Crazy.......maybe he will find time to rebuild Queenie......(I can only hope). Anyhow, hope to be back on a little more often once Drake & John are back at college.
  6. Looks so amazingly peaceful!! Enjoy your week and speedy recovery to you from surgery!
  7. Welcome Eric!! Your wife made a great choice!!!
  8. Sending prayers - I cannot imagine the loss. Our condolences are with you and your family and all who knew Joshua.
  9. Sending you speedy recovery vibes! Life without your machine must be so exciting for you and for Patsy!!! I am sure she has been taking great care of you!
  10. Happy Easter to all!!!! Been crazy busy now that high school baseball is in full swing and we are counting down Drake's final days of senior year. Lots to keep us busy. And Greg trying to get Drake's mustang fixed up so he can enjoy it now that the weather is finally turning nice. Plus new job change craziness for me that I hope to finally be over after a year of uncertainty and changing. Blessing to all!!! May the Easter Bunny be good to you.
  11. Nice pics! I told Greg to go and take Drake...didn't happen...
  12. Welcome back!!
  13. Welcome!!! Hawaii...makes me wonder how Dave Reems is doing...
  14. Welcome to the family!
  15. Capri's 71 SS


    Welcome !!! Yes everyone loves seeing all the progress pics!!
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