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Posts posted by shawn

  1. I can't tell you how good it is to see some guys from DFW in this forum! Really REALLY good to see.

    Don, thanks for the compliments. Congrats on Monte of the month! Your gal looks fantastic!


    Mines currently at the body shop getting new quarters. She'll then head to the paint booth.

    Great tip about where you got your gearing from. I'll definitely check out trucks when I get ready to do it.

    Mine is a daily driver too, the way monte's were meant to be!
    Man, I couldn't have said it better. "the way monte's were meant to be!"


    If either of y'all want to hook up sometime.. give me a holler.

  2. Glad to hear you got it done. Sounds like a great set up.

    Going to be interesting to see that tranny hold up with that much hp.


    I'm not going to do quite the same as you. I'm keeping the turbo 350 (for now) but am going to up my rear-end from 2.73 to 3.31. Since she's my daily driver though, a 200r4 or 700r4 may be an option down the road sometime.

    I'm not pushing out quite the hp you are. I'm sitting closer to 300 and will leave it that way.

    Congrats again on getting her done.

  3. Welcome Kliegl


    My question for you guys is two part. One, has anyone built a y splitter for a single spade connector and ran two horns? And two, where should I look for the build sheet with that code in the car?
    For the first part of your question, try here.

    I have ordered from this guy personally and he is fantastic.

    Secondy part of your question.. Go here


    You have a nice looking car man.



    oh and before you go tearing your car apart looking for a buildsheet, insure that it was not built in Flint, MI. b/c if so, your search will be for naught.

  4. Quote:
    Wonder how they put together the 'fake' buildsheet
    I wonder the same thing.

    Maybe with a good scanner, typewriter and editing program?
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