Parts Sources
Phone: 1-800-722-4828 Web Page: www.1964-77chevelleparts.com Address: 5415 Kelley-Moore Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Has some hard to find Monte Carlo parts including: rocker molding clips (Part# 4232GM) Ausleys Chevelle Parts
Phone: 800-228-7539 Web Page: www.chevelle.com Address: 300 S. Main St., Graham, N.C. 27253 GM Reproduction Parts C.A.R.S. Inc.
Michigan Phone: 1-800-521-2194 Local: 1-248-853-8900 Fax: 1-248-853-8919 Web Page: www.carsinc.com Address: 2600 Bond Street, Rochester Hills, Michigan 48039 California Phone: 1-800-451-1955 Web Page: www.carsinc.com Address: 525 South Raymond Ave, Fullerton, Calif. 92831 GM Reproduction Parts. 1962-1972 Muscle Car Catalog Cecil McKeithan
Phone: (910) 875-3058 Address: North Carolina Chicago Auto Parts
Phone: 815-614-3122 Web Page: http://chicagoautoparts.us/default Address: 6368 East State rt 17 Saint Anne, IL 60964 Classic Truck Consoles
Phone: 305-942-3472 Web Page: www.classictruckconsoles.com Address: 111 Gardenia Ave. Tavernier, Fl. 33070 Custom center consoles for 1970-72 Monte Carlos Alumitech Reproductions
Phone: 517-404-6262 Web Page: http://www.chevellecooling.com/ Specializes in high performance O.E.M replacement aluminum radiators for Chevelle/Monte Carlo 1968 to 1972 Big block and Small block with air-conditioning. Also Small block without air-conditioning.
Ciadella Enterprises
Phone: 1-800-528-1342 Address: 3757 E. Broadway #4, Phoenix, Az 85040 Interiors For Numerous Makes and Models! Classic Muscle from Modern Chevrolet, Inc.
Phone: 336-727-4828 Toll Free: 800-722-4828 Fax: 336-727-4856 Address: 800 West Fourth Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Web Page: www.classicmuscle.com As a division of one of the largest parts departments in the GM organization, Classic Muscle stocks a complete line of new GM and high quality reproduction Parts. Collectors Auto Supply Phone: (toll free)1-888-772-7848 E-mail: jim@collectorsautosupply.com Fax: 1-250-767-3340 Web Page: www.collectorsautosupply.com Specializes in hard to find parts for all makes and years. Has many NOS and used parts. FATMAT
Phone: 877-FAT-5060 Web Page: www.fatmat.com Sound Dampening products Dixie Monte Carlo Depot
Phone: 1-877-24-DIXIE (1-877-243-4943) Address: 60A PROGRESS DRIVE
MANCHESTER, CT 06042Web Page: www.dixierestorationdepot.com New Monte Carlo products Fiberglass Trends
Phone: 714-532-6140 Address: California Fiberglass hoods, fenders, front bumpers, and body parts for 70-72 Monte Carlo Harmons
Phone: 800-851-2433, 800-851-2434 Web Page: www.harmons.com Address: Highway 27 North, PO Box 100, Geneva, Ind. 46740 Primarily Reproduction Parts but occasionally NOS and used for 70-72 Monte Carlo and Chevelle. Just Dashes
Phone: 800-247-3274 Web Page: www.justdashes.com Address: 5441 Lemona Ave, Van Nyes, CA 91411 Restores and Dyes Your Padded Dash Konik's Klassiks
Phone: (810) 334-4162 (Michigan) E-mail: leo@koniksklassiks.com Web Page: www.koniksklassiks.com Leo Konik has many new and used 70-72 Monte Carlo parts including NOS and used sheetmetal, bumpers, grilles, frames, suspension, glass, seats, front and rear door panels, consoles, and trim. Lutty’s Chevy Warehouse
Phone: 724-265-2988 Web Page: www.luttyschevy.com Address: RD 2 2385 Saxonburg Blvd., Cheswick , Pa.15024
Most Chevrolet from 50’s on. Reproduction and some NOS Parts Midstate Classic
Phone: 1-800-6038 Web Page: www.midstateclassic.com Address: 14605 Knollridge Drive, Tampa, Florida 33625 Reproduction GM Parts Morris Classic Concepts
Phone: 864-987-0032 Web Page: www.morrisclassicconcepts.com Address: Greer, South Carolina Club Discount: Call in your order and mention you belong to The First Generation Monte Carlo Club and receive a 5% discount on merchandise.
Retractable Front and Rear 3 Point Seat Belts, Clear Shot Mirrors, Polished Stainless Emblems & Driving Light Conversion KitsMuscle Car Headquarters, Inc
Phone: (516) 753-0720, (516) 796-3899 Address: Conklin Ave, Farmingdale, NY 11735 Ask for Ray. Tues - Fri 4 - 10pm and Saturday 12 - 8 pm Muscle Cars Only
Phone: 724-925-8080 Web Page: www.musclecarsonly.com Address: Rd 1 Box 221, Hunker, Pa. 15639 70-72 Monte Carlo and 81-88 Monte Carlo New, Used, and Reproduction Parts. National Parts Depot
Phone: 800-235-3445 Web Page: www.npdlink.com Address: 1376 Walter Street #1, Ventura, Calif. 93003 Florida
Phone: 800-874-7595 Web Page: www.npdlink.com Address: 900 SW 38th Avenue, Ocala, Florida 34474 Michigan
Phone: 800-521-6104 Web Page: www.npdlink.com Address: 12784 Currie Ct., Livonia, Michigan 84150 North Carolina
Phone: 800-368-6451 Web Page: www.npdlink.com Address: 2330 Tipton Drive #800, Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 Reproduction GM Parts Northern Auto Parts
Phone: 800-831-0884 Web Page: www.northernautoparts.com Engine, Suspension, Brakes etc. Original Parts Group
Phone: 1 800-243-8355 Web Page: www.opgi.com Address: 1770 Saturn Way, Seal Beach, Calif. 90740 GM Reproduction Parts The Parts Place
Phone: 630-365-1800 Web Page: www.thepartsplaceinc.com GM Reproduction Parts Pit Products
Phone: 866-849-7786 Web Page: www.pitproducts.com Address: 1600 Executive Drive Jackson, MI 49203 Club Discount: Enter firstgenerationmontecarlo at checkout it will take $10 off any order Manufacturer of light weight aluminum trailer cabinets and trailer storage accessories, which are designed for the garages and trailers of automotive enthusiasts to help keep their workspaces organized. All of our products are hand made in the USA in our facility in Jackson, Michigan. Restoration World
Ohio Phone: 937-236-5233 Web Page: www.chevroletrestorationworld.com Address: 6232 Executive Blvd, Huber Heights, OH 45424 Indiana
Web Page: www.chevroletrestorationworld.com Address: 509 E. 29th Street, Anderson, Indiana 46016 Restore Classics.com
Phone: 1-888-213-1715 Web Page: www.restoreclassics.com The Right Stuff Detailing
Phone: 740-965-8720 Fax: 740-965-8721 Web Page: www.rightstuffdetailing.com Address: 465 Commerce Drive
Sunbury, Ohio 43074 (20 mi north of Cols)Scott's Antique and Classic Parts
Phone: 800-426-2207 Web Page: www.scottschevyparts.com Address: 9180 Fairystone Park Highway, Bassett, Va. 24055 NOS Parts, Used Parts, Reproduction Parts for 70-72 Your Monte Carlo and Chevelle. Shiney Hiney
Phone: 513-607-5617 E-mail: karla@Shiny-Hiney.com Web Page: http://www.Shiny-Hiney.com Address: 1696 N Str Rt 741, Franklin, OH 45005 Club Discount: FGMCC club members receive a 10% discount. All that your members will need to do when ordering online is put FGMCC in the “How did you hear about us” comment section and we will issue a refund for 10% of parts ordered. ITrim Parts, LED Taillight Kits, Trunk Panels, Carpets, etc. . Showcars Body Parts Unlimited
Phone: 905-857-6345 Web Page: www.showcars-bodyparts.com Summit Racing
Phone: 800-230-3030 Web Page: www.summitracing.com Retailer of high performance automotive parts for street or track Sundell Auto Specialties
Phone: 724-794-6827 Address: 400 Stoughton Rd., Slippery Rock, Pa. 16057 North Carolina
Phone: 704-434-6759 Address: 1105 Mooresboro Rd., Shelby, N.C. 28150 Used GM Parts. Large Selection. Trim Parts
Phone: 513-831-1472 Fax: 513-248-3402 Web Page: www.trimparts.com Address: 5161 Wolfpen-Pleasant Hill Rd., Milford, Ohio 45150 High quality emblems, scripts and lenses as well as other items for collector cars. True Connections
Phone: 909-688-6040 Fax: 909-688-6939 E-mail: shop@true-connections.com Web Page: http://www.true-connections.com/ Address: Pierce Industrial Park
3848 Pierce Ave., Riverside, Calif. 925031964-72 Chevelle, El Camino, Monte Carlo NOS, reproduction and used parts. Year One
Phone: 1800-950-9503 Web Page: www.yearone.com GM Reproduction Parts Your Auto Trim
Phone: 662-434-0078 E-mail: info@yourautotrim.com Web Page: http://www.yourautotrim.com Address: 1262 Jemison Road, Caledonia, MS 39740 Club Discount: FGMCC club members receive a 10% discount. Enter the code "firstgenerationmontecarlo" at the checkout. IInterior carpet, headliner, vinyl, cloth, tweed fabrics.Upholstery tools and supplies .