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DragCat last won the day on January 30

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  • Veteran
    US Navy
  • Location
    Fort Lauderdale
  • Legal Name
    Mark T
  • Occupation
    Semi Retired
  • My Monte ('s)
    1970 SS 454

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  1. If Rob keeps spouting off like that I'm changing my class to stock ! 🀣
  2. I think it varies, example 1 I would consider a barn find, #2 is a bit more obvious example.
  3. Saw this one, no thoughts https://www.ebay.com/itm/267148329486?_skw=monte+carlo&itmmeta=01JKH6A619MWT79VT74FHVMTM1&hash=item3e3348020e:g:P4EAAOSw7UlnpYp-&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKniqk6eGeFBds5K00t3tkfeC4P4rcLMHeDpAsnr%2F0TUjrXtnTq1D%2B7cguCZAqEr9deiVHjx3PqQIWyqQRzawYML%2F4JotSE3JAmYtIUhBVpAp%2BDTYh6EFbMsDOb0pQJ0owGcR8yN2SsJugoFG%2FMbX5pjOZCvFboLaXwJ5N27rMGSiPfeJVXC6MOk2zswnq0tT7Lk0Wtvl9N96Oda%2BmNs%2FJaHP9iNFgwDgtiBbo3u9bIugiNTNqxqTLEyjMkX305P1oeSvqqXZaHCUIKSXhs0MYb8Tdy8IklcL6JZq%2BSLhukqYw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_LhqKacZQ
  4. Not sure I like it but interesting build https://www.ebay.com/itm/205273147122?_skw=monte+carlo&itmmeta=01JKH6A619W3M85AGGFTHT591C&hash=item2fcb3ba6f2:g:EdcAAOSwGXlnpivm&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKnc2lyF9dmvdh2Ah3GQxJLfv8XbKxdbMvJQjlXxIep6NObeAD1m1%2FceUOu%2FXBvntR4zvX01GBpu7opnrSbkgtcX6pRQWi7GHzxdRcyRba1u1AoFEEl5%2FmRDFQf1z4Ozf0FGY6RoCeFvNdnpYHzkwC8UEL6dbO8Qmr1sZvnbcaOHOtDPAJoEq%2FMvGPoqPW0EsbBARgzYnPcESDO9ZTPVKcBUzZpetwSkAPw21A8eg6%2BNPb1i3vH9QTxTOrrEI3Ik5%2ByZMVRX2tMvZk5hdx2G5dFQC7eE4jnp26oIBdmGVfPEAQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_LhqKacZQ
  5. WOW...........25 and 20 years...... Congrats to ALL 🀘
  6. There's a local guy here that converted a 64ish chevelle wagon from 4 to 2 doors. Beautiful car
  7. I thought ALL turn signals were directional indicators 🀣
  8. I didn't need a regulator when I did the rear LEDs on my 70. I never checked the speed of the flashers when I installed them, just that the rear, front, and IP indicator did actually flash πŸ™ƒ side note: on the cougar, I had to replace both the turn and emergency flasher cans. They were polarity sensitive
  9. What Color was Mike Roy, and Mike Heron Monte's? Ive seen yellow (2016) , obviously the GREEN MONSTER 🀣, BlACK, Burgundy, Silver, and Green off the top of my head at Power Tour / Drag Week, Sick Week. My friend has a Blue FG but he runs divisional and footbrake races.
  10. I think using the word "fast" on that Monte is an understatement 🀣
  11. I haven't seen any full sick week videos yet, and nothing including first gens. I heard there was a first gen entered, haven't seen the MONSTER GREEN Monte but I'll assume he's there Not sure about the Monte posted for sale
  12. Don't know which is worse, that, or going to check one out and finding it NOT as described. Good luck moving forward
  13. The track has listed the 2025 schedule https://www.estadrags.com
  14. Thanks for posting the pic's πŸ‘ Price puts it outta my wallet,not saying its not worth it. Sick Week and Power Tour are WAY outta my wheelhouse but I do enjoy watching. Finnigan (roadkill) just bought a new trailer for sick week, and added a 3rd seat for another crew member. The carnage is unbelievable. I think the drive from track 1 to track 2 is over 300 miles. I'm looking for a 10 sec 1/4 mile NHRA cert ride. The closest "street race" now is 2.5 hours away, might as well go NHRA and drive 4 hours and spend the weekend πŸ˜„
  15. Most do that to stop the spam messaging πŸ™ƒ
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