Renew Membership
Payment Methods
Annual Dues Payment is $25.00 US Funds
We currently accept Paypal, check or money order. Unfortunately at this point in time we are not able to process credit card transactions but we are working to get that payment option restored. If you have any questions on the process of joining the club, paying you dues or renewing your dues please email Rob Peters at rob29ford@aol.com.
Submit your $25.00 dues payment indicating it is for dues payment, using: firstgenmonte@outlook.com as the Paypal recipient for the funds you are sending thru them.
Check or Money Order
The check or money order would be made out to FGMCC for $25.00 US funds and mail it to:
PO BOX 8032
PITTSBURGH, PA 15216Note: Our memberships and renewals were run through a site called Groupspaces in the past but that site shut down which was out of our control. We are working on a new membership system to serve the club and its members.