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Posts posted by cpmman

  1. Booster and M/C replaced..the rod with the new MC was to long so the brakes would not bleed. After some trimming of the rod, the brakes bled but now the front brakes are a bit tight and the pedal has no play. I presume a bit more timming will fix it but was wondering if there is a stock length.


    Clutch pedal is fine.

  2. How long should the power brake rod (the one that actuates the master cylinder) be in a 70 Monte Carlo?


    I do not have any play in the brake pedal with the car off. Brakes seem a bit tight when rolling as well.

  3. HELP!! I have the door panel off however the three cables are fastened to the mirror remote handle as expected and I cant remove them however the head of the bolts seem to be under the front of the door panel with no access.


    Has anyone changed a remote mirror before? If so what is the procedure to get the old one off?

  4. GOT IT OFF!!! You must push the tab down in the slot on top of the cylinder. If you look at the glove box door with the lock in it you will notice a cut out in the plastic. This is for a small screw driver to push down on the tap with the key in and latch pulled back as noted earlier in this discussion.


    VERY IMPORTANT...Also if you have an after market key, it may be a C-hair taller than stock keys so the tab won't push down all the way...solution is to grove the key where the tab pushes down on it.


    Have fun.....

  5. Yea..joined tonight.. I am loving working on the Monte..it is becoming a bit of an obsession..! Even when my GF is here I want to work on it but need to refrane...


    We will be at the Easten GM meet in June...maybe see you there...


    Car is coming out beautiful. The paint is flawlwss and a mile deep. Big money was spent on the body work.


    I am very fortunate to have bought it before it was advertised.


    This is site has been invaluable for information and parts I just had to join..


    Pics will be posted soon...



  6. I thought I had it now that Allan mentioned that the key needed to be in the lock however to luck...!!


    This is getting very fustrating! I should have left it alone as the mask job came out fine but now the lock is loose and just spins in the glove box door hole...Uggggh

  7. Allan,


    Your dash looks great... I just finished a new coat of dark saddle all over it and now need to add the silver...will use your pics as where to apply the sliver..


    Question: Why did you paint or worry about the black? The Monte has the wood grain panel to cover the black area.





  8. Yes after many tries, I ended up taping and painting mine however all the fiddling with the lock made it loose now so I presume it needs to be removed and cleaned so it can be put back on and retightened.


    Tony, I'm with you..got to go out (if I can stop working in the Monte for a bit!)and clean the 20" of snow we just got....!

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