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Everything posted by MrDavie

  1. thx in that case after I start my car (even just to pull in from driveway to garage), no more than 1 minute, the gas smell lingers so bad in the garage, almost gives me a headache. This morning i went in there and still smelled it, i understand it’s not fuel injected, but is there anyway to calm the lingering smell?
  2. Last question for a month, promise 😉: My new ‘72 was delivered on empty, what’s the best gas to use for my vehicle. My research is showing ethanol free only?? thx
  3. Once again, I’m back trying to soak everything in from everyone…first time with a classic car. So I have the horseshoe gear shift in my Monte P, R, N, 3, 2, 1. I was expecting a “D” for drive (i know ignorance on my part). While driving am I supposed to keep it in 1 or shift as I increase in speed?? thx
  4. Found the lever but the top isn’t going past here
  5. Finally got my Monte in, can’t even find out how to pop the hood?? Also, i see screws on the dash holding it together, is this one piece I can order and have it installed correctly?
  6. Thanks!! I’ll “inspect” the car when it arrives and get back to you. Last question, for the Trunk Bezel, how is this installed? Through the sheet medal as well??
  7. Understood, thx for the detailed response and assistance. I’ll wait until the car arrives (shipping from FL). Here is the link to the car (only change is I added the vinyl top): https://www.survivor-cars.com/vehicles/411/1972-chevrolet-monte-carlo#
  8. Got it, so do you know where I can find the Monte Carlo for the aluminum trim below the trunk lid? How does it attach? How do the sail panel emblems attach to the vinyl? I get the car in a couple of weeks, I hope the holes were labeled when they attached the vinyl. Do you know where to find the sail panel emblems? My best friend was PMEL!!
  9. She’s def a keeper!! I was Security Forces, Intel, and Administration…
  10. Thank you for the warm welcome!! This is my first experience with a classic car, so I am doing all the research I can. I look forward to being a member of the club. Are you saying I can purchase a “70 hood spear” and it will fit on my 72? Also, I looked for badging but was hesitant to purchase because I don’t know if the holes on the vinyl are marked for the “Monte Carlo” on each side (had the seller put on the vinyl top) Additionally, I wanted the “Monte Carlo by Chevrolet” for the rear. How is this installed on the vehicle? Found this on eBay: Any assistance would be appreciated Thanks,
  11. Thanks for the support, Hill AFB is a nice base!!
  12. After 20 years of Military service in the Air Force, I retire in a couple of weeks and my wife bought me my dream car—1972 Monte Carlo…this car needs some work, just had the vinyl top put on, waiting to receive car from Florida, any ideas or recommendations for improvement (new chrome grill, badging etc.) would be great!! https://www.survivor-cars.com/vehicles/411/1972-chevrolet-monte-carlo#
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