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Posts posted by 72Ragtop

  1. THANK YOU monte70car !! Following those instructions on that link, I had it apart in 30 seconds. Couple of observations; 1)I used .042" diameter weld rod with a slitely tapered, but flat "point". 2)There's 5 tumblers and the one closest to the knob is not activated with the key. 3)Tightening up that "rotational-slop" is going to take some thinking, probably a 6-pak's worth. DCW


  2. I give up... I've looked in both 70 & 72 Chassis service & Body manuals, the Chev Factory Assembly manual and the collision manual. I've poked every slot and opening, w/o the key and with the key in the locked & unlocked position. How does the lock and knob come out of the glove box door???? Also, can the, approximately, 10 degrees of "cylinder/lock" rotation be eliminated?

    Thanx for any help. DCW

  3. While the glove box location may be the "correct" location, I found having it there a pain in the @$%.

    Over the years in various cars, I've added or relocated them to "just up under the dash", on the drivers side, so it can't be seen and I can reach in with the window down and open the trunk. The are two versions of this switch, a "large" diameter and "smaller" diameter, which I think was used in the late 80s & 90s. Also, you can actually have two functioning switchs, one in each location.

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