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Dan Dugan

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Everything posted by Dan Dugan

  1. Dan they tried that initially but for some reason it didnt work. Dan
  2. Jared thats why I made sure I mentioned my aunt. Vaughn thank you . My aunt Leona was a wonderful person and will be missed by all in the family. Spoke to Pat again today and the news this time is a little less upbeat, some good some bad. Rob is no longer considered to be in critical condition, but he has suffered a few setbacks. He is in an isolation room now because he has picked up a nasty virus. Also this all started out with kidney stones, and he still has them. One of his kidneys has shut down, and since they dont know if its damaged or just blocked by the stones Rob has to temporarily go on dialysis to give the kidney a chance to get better. So some good news some bad news but Rob is still with us and evryday hes getting a little stronger. Dan
  3. Saw Pat today at the funeral of one of our aunts today. She told me Rob had a "good night" last night according to the ICU nurses. She said she didnt know exactly what that meant but that it was good news ......so I figured Ill pass that along. I do know one thing .....it sure does seem "dangerous" to either be a Dugan or married to a Dugan lately. Dan
  4. Okay heres the good news post that everybody (including his family ) has been waiting for. Rob is off the ventilator, awake and talking Hes still far from okay but this is a major step. My wife seems to think that all of us going in to yell at him for getting sick and him not being able to yell back ......drove him to start recovering . If you knew our family you would understand !!!!! So thats the current news as I get more Ill put it up. Dan
  5. The phone rang about 9 this morning with "better get to the hospital Rob had a bad night". I really thought my next post was going to be passing along funeral info. But thats where the bad news ends. After the bad night Rob is now showing small signs of improvement, he is less dependent on the respirator and we were told his lungs look a little better. Hes still in critical condition but he is stable at the moment. This is the first good news weve heard since this began. What happened today is small steps but we will take them. Dan
  6. Okay talked to my sister tonight and Robs son Patrick. I wish I had better news. Earlier in the day Rob was showing some small improvement but what he had gained is gone away. Im afraid my earlier assessment of Robs condition might have been off. Rob is a very sick man tonight, I dont want to go into details.... Rob is too proud to have his problems posted out into view ....and I respect him too much to do that to him. But if you are the praying kind , keep Rob, my sister Pat, Patrick, Tom, Heidi Emily and Ryan in your prayers. Dan
  7. Yes Dave that unfortunately is correct. I talked to Pat a few hours ago and Robs condition is pretty much unchanged since yesterday. I think she was hoping for improvement today but it didnt happen. Ive known Rob since I was about seven years old and trust me when I tell you ....he can be stubborn!!!!!!! Right now I think thats a good thing. Although hes really not awake at the moment Im sure when he is he will be touched by everyones concern , this club is a big part of Robs life.......and Im sure my sister will agree with me when I say......He chose well! Dan
  8. Hi everyone this is Dan ......Robs brother in law. I used to be on the site here as Mopar Man or Buick man. My sister has asked me to pass along to the FGMCC that Rob has been hospitalized due to complications from kidney stones. First of all let me assure you that Rob is going to be okay. He is having some difficulties at the moment and things seem a lot worse than what they actually are,but he will be okay......this is a direct quote from my sister, who has been with him at the hospital since yesterday. As of right now Rob is in ICU at St Margarets hospital here in Pgh. Once again this is not as grim as it sounds. After an attempt was made to remove kidney stones Rob had some trouble breathing after surgery and a breathing tube was put in to aid Robs breathing. It is considered standard procedure to put anyone with a breathing tube in ICU just because those on a breathing tube are usually much sicker than what Rob is. I will keep you all updated as I hear from Pat , but right now she is spending most of her time at the hospital. But truthfully I expect Rob to show up back here on the board within a day or two with yet another emergency room tale to tell. Dan Wish I was coming back on the board with better news
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