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  • Merchandise Order Instructions

    E-mail Joe Tedesco at firstgenmc@outlook.com  with the following information: 

    • Your first and last name
    • Your mailing address
    • The description color and size of each item wanted
    • Method of payment you will be using

    We will advise you of your total amount in US funds, including shipping.

    Note that 9.25% tax must be added for Tennessee residents.

    Payment Options

    PayPal is the preferred method of payment as it will allow us to complete the order faster. Payment can be made to the following PayPal account
    PayPal Account Name:    firstgenmonte@outlook.com


    Check or Money Order:
    Send your check or money order (US funds) made out to "FGMCC" for the amount of the items plus appropriate shipping costs to:

    PO Box 1041
    Niagara Falls, NY 14304-7041

    Note: After the check clears, we will ship your item.

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