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Everything posted by LuckyKenny

  1. I don't do that often so i don't think i need one
  2. And this really happened!!!!!!!!!!
  3. It wasn't a soccer field
  4. I feel like you guys hijacked this tread, called me a drug addict, and made fun of my suspention.
  5. lol Drugs are bad? Lol that picture was from a long time ago when i was very stupid and just got my car. It looks like it's really really nasty on my suspension
  6. But it was in a soccer field so maybe pavement makes a difference?
  7. It went away I tested it with a healthy powerslide
  8. It wasn't too low, i put a quart in it. I feel bad, usually i know how much oil is in my car but now since i've been out of state the last two months i have no clue lol.
  9. Centrifugal force turns my oil light on.... I was low, i put some oil in Seems to not do it anymore Anything i should check? What trips that light? A cork like the tank or by pressure??
  10. It has an 1800 stall too, if i didn't have that quadrajet i wouldn't drive it as much as i do. I'm happy in small block land haha
  11. That's true, i didn't think of that. 383's are cool
  12. I have a medium eldbrock, and it definatley makes a difference It's not a crazy lift but it does the trick, i still get around 16 mpg. Sounds good too
  13. LuckyKenny


  14. LuckyKenny

    Rear end

  15. LuckyKenny


  16. LuckyKenny


  17. LuckyKenny


    This looks SO flipping good
  18. LuckyKenny


  19. That really sucks I hope he pulls through
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