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Everything posted by Murph

  1. When I took mine apart in September, it was attached where the speedometer cable attaches to the gauge.
  2. Can't go wrong with a Comp Cams Extreme Energy 268/280. Great throttle response and you can use a stock converter ( I would suggest a 2000+ stall though). As far as intake, use an Edlebrock Performer.. Good luck
  3. I had the same problem. It turns out I had a small hole in the fuel pump diaphragm. It was allowing the fuel to suck back through it. I replaced the pump and it works great..
  4. This is on ebay.. I haven't tried it yet though http://www.ebay.com/itm/270831732040?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  5. That makes sense..BTW, the fuses are good...LOL
  6. Thanks. I am not sure what the issue is. It has tail lamps, but no signals or brake lights. I am going to work on it tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be as simple as the ground. Thanks again for the help. Murph
  7. I am trying to trouble shoot my brake lights and signals. Does anyone know where I can find a wiring diagram for a 1972 model on the internet?
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