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Everything posted by Mo's70MCs

  1. it's the blower motor resistor located on the A/C suitcase.
  2. I might have to take the lowrod then..it gets better gas mileage. Time sure flies it seems like yesterday. I'm already counting the days. Well wishes to you, Kathie and the kids.
  3. I better start saving gas money.
  4. The only thing I'm dragging is my butt out there.
  5. Make the call..Oregon is a beautiful state.. either or for me. Give it some time see what others think.
  6. Slip it out of the car cover.. some water and I'm ready. Leave attachments at home.
  7. This would be a nice calendar picture!
  8. Give us a written list of all you want done to the car.. Rod
  9. Rodney, you the man! Finally a small peak. You know we been waiting anxiously for pictures. That's why I took the liberty of warming up the spot for you guys. thanks for sharing, nice large resolution to boot.. now who's volunteering a small written synopsis of the event? If Dave Mau was there, it won't be long. Rod
  10. I'm waiting! Haven't heard much.. They're probably traveling home.
  11. The embellishment of the "knight crest" on the plaque is truly unique! Who's idea was that? Great going guys! Rod
  12. Cool pics thanks for sharing. I'm going out on a limb here.. shouldn't it be fitting that the "COKE MACHINE" lead every caravan from now on! " A Monte Caravan lead by no other than the coke machine, what could be cooler" similar to the picture below?
  13. Nice! So far so good. I like his work bench.
  14. OH! I've seen it done! Nothing surprises me anymore! The almighty extension cord can be misused as well. and it's ft' not inches".
  15. Over 100ft start considering voltage drop as well!
  16. This is all you need! The support bracket, probably the most important in the installation, aside from a good fenderwell.
  17. It's an illusion Robyn.. all I can say it' a beautiful rear end.
  18. That's why I leave the tech stuff to the technicians. By the way you ain' right.
  19. Don't start or you'll see the Evil surface!
  20. We allow "Chevelles" up in here! They're our lil sisters.
  21. Great looking car! Always been one of my favorites, and can't wait to see it in person.. I see you got the hang of it, I hope I didn't open-up Pandora's box? We need to meet, not this weekend! I have 8 hrs of cal-trans to do. Rod
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