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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. Willie, the parts book show the cleaners and filters were the same for all three years
    1 point
  3. I grabbed it from Summit ,its PUI Brand with the sail panels and some extra fabric for visors, It was like $107 shipped. I watched a couple videos on line , and with patients with a bunch of binder clips to help hold it as you work and stretch it . I put it in the best I could , let it sit overnight came back on Sunday played with it a little more and then on Tuesday glued it in ,I got the good weldwood landau top and trim glue , brushed that around the metal and on the headliner waited a few minutes and started sticking it . As I glued it I popped off about a quarter of the clips , worked in that area and then did another quarter and so on. I will say I think having it sit in there a couple days with clips made it easier when I glued it .I felt like it went into place and when it came to gluing it was much easier to work and tweak then I thought.
    1 point
  4. Wow, that's quite the booth you built there! Any compensation from the insurance company??
    1 point
  5. Haven't had an update in a bit just doing some sanding so not much to show. But have most if not all the seam sealing done in the first few pics . The others pics showing I have moved onto the front fenders. Drivers side sanded and mostly sand blasted. Cut out the rust on the fender and the brace is patched, hopefully patching fender tomorrow. seam sealed trunk lip and seam behind bumper cowl and driver jamb sealedcowl and passenger side , I will clean this jamb up, I liked how it came out better on the driver side, may look more factory this way but like it better neater. seal jamb under drip rail, also did the top but no pics of that yet must have forgot to take them cutting out the rust, driver fender, just wrote down some measurements for the trim holes that disappeared. cut out skin, sandblasted, cut out brace rust and patched the brace brace all done will patch the skin tomorrow hopefully.
    1 point
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