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jft69z last won the day on December 1

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About jft69z

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  • Veteran
    US Air Force
  • Location
    Western NY
  • Legal Name
    Joe Tedesco
  • Occupation
    -RETIRED- Hydropower Plant Control Room Operator. Prior DuPont Instrument & Control tech.
  • My Monte ('s)
    1972 CUSTOM - 454

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  1. Booked 2 rooms (Doug & Myself), will send the info separately. For whatever reason, the initial hotel phone number posted came back bad, so I edited it to: 717-243-2080
  2. They didn't have electric chokes back then.
  3. That's a pic of a 1965 Chevelle harness though, if the Google image search is correct.
  4. I like it Larry, you win the internet today!!
  5. It shows up in the most unexpected places....
  6. So very sorry for the loss of your mom, Dan. It's definitely one of the most difficult things in life, to lose a parent. Thoughts & prayers for you and your family in that aspect. As far as the other side, Congratulations on the career move! Always exciting (and scary sometimes 😁) to take on a new job, but with all your years of experience and skill, I'm sure it will work out great for everyone. Same for your son, a big milestone for sure. Again, condolences, and congratulations. Joe T
  7. A little butchery on the wiring here and there, but it's fixable. (would be interesting to see under the dash though).
  8. The battery bracket bolt holes needed to be elongated on my set, just something to look out for as well.
  9. Thank you, Mark. Same here...
  10. Those will work. They're also somewhat 'adjustable' to get the trim pieces at the right height to the body. The clips with the little 'steps' may hold the position better though.
  11. Those may have been the 'W' block style though, not the Mark IV type we typically relate to in the Monte's.
  12. 1966-1969 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_big-block_engine
  13. Well the snow finally caught up to us, 😢. Can't really complain though, a week into December and this is the first snow at my house. Considering the fact 15 miles south of here got a number of feet of the stuff last week (and still snowing), we got off easy so far. Mid-high 40's starting Sunday, into next week and some rain too, that'll make this go away.
  14. jft69z

    New Member

    Looks great Scott! As already mentioned, we like a lot of pictures around here too 🙂. Also, Thank You for becoming our newest full fledged, dues-paying member, we appreciate your support to help keep this club going. Joe T
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