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Everything posted by Searsman

  1. I do have both of them and that is certainly a thought..
  2. Actually they arnt that noticeable.. would be great to find a set of original that someone wanted to sell , for a reasonable price.. these are much better than the original that were on mine for 49 years.. but if better ones come out , I’ll get those.. also, I’m sure there are clone fake SS s out there but they are quite easy to detect in others ways ... Ron...
  3. Tools used to remove and install sticks without bumper removal..
  4. On my modified ss I went ahead and drilled . Was a careful measurement.. they fit pretty snug and look good. As you can see from the following photos, the replacements that I got from the parts place are slightly shorter on both ends .. when installing.- couldn’t go too far toward trunk or curve wouldn’t fit.. btw. The curve on the replacements are same as original.. also included a pix after installing left side ..Ron..
  5. Ripleydale is certainly correct, the trunk side is shorter , so that will need to be compensated for before marking for holes...
  6. Tape would work for awhile but ,,, would rather have them more secure... these are fairly heavy to be so small... ....will have to see which end shorter and do a little compensating .. I think it’s the side toward the trunk ,compairing it to the original one... thanks guys...
  7. Sounds like a good idea, if they are same length to the curve as the old one I’ll be ok 👍🏻..thanks
  8. To drill or not to drill, got new hockey sticks from parts place.. 69$..nice but any other suggestions other than drilling holes in my taillight housing?..?.. a template would have been nice with the replacements.. I surely don’t want to Guess where to drill..
  9. I finally have more info on the letters on the block you ask about.. hope to share that with you at the Carlisle meet in June... thanks ....
  10. Ok, I see part of the water pump on your picture, the letters you mentioned are to the left of the vin serial number.. now I know where to look, thank you sir. 👍🏻
  11. I see, was afraid to scrape further .. is that under alternator or down next to oilfilter? Is that a 71?.. I’ll check it out next time I get under there... once I saw the sn I didn’t look for anything else cause it’s so rough...thanks...
  12. Been to a lot of car shows in ky. , for years ,,,,always look for Monties and especially first generation.. from so Ohio at the pumpkin run to so ky sommernights cruise to Louisville at the hot rod nationals to e ky.. can count first gen cars on 2 hands.. saw an SS 71 at good guys show in Georgetown ky this year... he was from W VA... as the Moody Blues sang in the early70s, “I know your out there somewhere “,, the song leads me to Carlisle PA where there will be more first generation Monte Carlos at one place at the same time than I could ever imagine...Love my Monte Carlo....
  13. Weather broke just enough today to start the 71 and lister to her purrrrr...Searsman B8B229EB-D44B-4150-B23F-2A8CF85E6C09.mov
  14. Hope you get those seals replaced and head to the western meet this year... that 71 should be in the garage ... not the clone gsx...😁
  15. Hope you get to go to the eastern meet in Pa Traveler... be a Funtime.. love to see that Monte...ron
  16. Mine is scheduled to be installed a bit after part arrives... comes from California... I’ll let you know how much labor was here to install...
  17. Have spoken with an auto upholstery professional, the headliner has to be stretched properly to look correct.. I’m having them do the job... also, you can call opgi as I have done several time to check for visor material...the material my upholstery person ordered comes with visor material.. and the glass wont be removed, they said... hope this helps some... it’s also a very dusty job if the roof padding has deteriorated..
  18. Install new pointless distributor in mine last year.. about 100$ bucks... autozone, ...
  19. Thaks Rob, I thought about metal ones but am quite pleased with the shine and smoothness of these.. almost like they have a glaze on them... another good thing, there was no shipping charge!.. one place wanted 140$ , one wanted 90$ to ship... if anyone wants to order some they can get my email off my profile and I’ll send website name.. fast delivery too... however , like I mentioned before, there probably will be some drilling ... Ron..👍🏻🚙....
  20. inner fenders all done.. still need to install leveling compressor.. if you do this job, you might have to extend or drill some new holes cause they are close, but not exact... used original bolts but new washers... don’t tighten tooooo tight... next job, headliner replacement.. by a professional, not me...
  21. Kansas City car sold in Tn.. I could only wish these could be found...
  22. Out with the old, in with the new. Someone painted the old ones at some point . Ugh!
  23. Sounds like Rob is correct.. probably more than300 plus.. Somethings are best left unknown ...and enjoy both .. Both are rare and precious....
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