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Everything posted by Glen

  1. Just my 2 cents … I say darker than dark grey. Like closer to black. As in neatly packaged and put away in storage somewhere and not on the car. Rallys or original hubcaps or bust
  2. Welcome Andrew! Very clean looking Monte, I like the color. You aren’t too far from me… there’s a TON of shows and cruises every year within a short drive of you (although the season is winding down). And I’m gonna be a broken record…pix, pix and more pix!
  3. Negatory. I wouldn’t have made it that far. Woulda surely had a hose come loose and dumped all the coolant long before I got to Ohio.
  4. Well, regardless of how she applies that washer solvent… she IS backed into that spot
  5. This is true. I guess I’m just not used to being loved.
  6. Sorry you were collateral damage to the mutual ignorance, Mark. But it’s all in fun and good natured, reciprocal b^#l busting.
  7. First it was ham-fisted [insert slang for my ethnicity here] during a recent phone call. And now it’s bonehead. I’m starting to think you really like me 🤣😂
  8. Yeah, definitely makes sense for reasons stated by both of you. I do the same thing at work, and I have been questioned by supervisors over the years regarding how I may have positioned my car at various calls. Those are the people you have to stay away from because if they can’t think tactfully or understand the bigger picture, they shouldn’t be in management positions. Same thing whenever I’m in a restaurant - on or off duty… If it all possible, I want a seat facing the door. Just like the hose draggers usually don’t like staying in hotels on anything above the third floor, there’s a reason behind the logic. And I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that Joe used the word “release” in his comment. Freudian Slip, no doubt.
  9. Star Date… 7 September 2018… I’m in K9 Training and we are doing tracking training in the woods. I arrive first with the training staff so I called the other two guys to tell them they HAVE to back into their spots. No argument from them and a whole bunch of laughs for me and the training staff 🤣😂
  10. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=backer inners
  11. Maybe it’s a local thing or urban legend, but backing into spots in a forest preserve and other similar locations by lone male occupants is the universal “secret sign” that they’re there seeking other lone males.
  12. That might be a blessing in disguise. Notice he’s backed into a spot at the park/preserves.
  13. Welcome! You’ve found a great group here.
  14. All I said was whoever cloned the car should’ve been a bit more diligent in those small details. Had they, we’d prob never figured it out for you.
  15. I never noticed… good catch. I’ll shoot ya a PM now.
  16. “anybody know where i can find this trim piece”? Probably in the street where it came off when the tire blew 🤣😂 Sorry, I had to. All kidding aside, glad it wasn’t worse and there was no personal injury.
  17. That would look stellar on my ‘70 for when it’s resto time in a couple years. Mine appears as such…
  18. Yeah… I coulda done better with a roller and a horsehair brush.
  19. Funny… I told Amy that we should have with how clean she is (Vicky, not Amy🤣). Then I realized that Amy may have run it thru a car wash 5 or 6 times in the 2 years she stole it from me when the kiddo took over her car.
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