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Cowl Grill Inserts


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I did this a while back but never got around to post the pictures. I thought someone might find this useful and maybe someone might also have different ideas.


Like many of you I had found some of the sheet metal behind the lower fenders and the area of the adjoining firewall to be rotting out from the inside. In my case I found this was from about six inches of compacted debris that lodged itself in the fenders on each side likely over the last 40 years. Although probably an effective composter this was detrimental to effective water drainage so when I replaced the metal I decided that a set of cowl grill inserts were in order to prevent this from happening again.


But I found that, although the inserts are an improvement, they still have fairly large holes so I decided to use some fiberglass screen mesh to improve the screening effectiveness.




Two of the three inserts are flat so I found that having the screen secured by the edges of the insert was sufficient. However, the driver's side insert has a dome shaped portion for the windshield wiper crank so I decided to secure the screen using individual strands of mesh tying the screen to the insert with a drop of epoxy on the underside to prevent the strand knot from loosening. This ensures the screen follows the insert profile and doesn't get caught in the crank.




I also find the result provides a nice clean look.



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