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Everything posted by Dtret

  1. Yes it was and this is sort of what he wants to do
  2. My phone is5135053610 text me the pictures if you can. My phone is being stupid. I tried to pm but didn’t work Dennis
  3. Dtret

    True SS?

    I’ll bet it’s that unicorn LS6 convertible.
  4. Dtret

    New Guy Here

    This job is turning out great. Keep plugging. Remember it’s a sprint not a marathon. Watch the potholes we all are having them.
  5. The “L” in the top line means Van Nuyes (wrong spelling) The bottom line ,I believe are just manufacturing numbers. The 16537 should match your build sheet. That number is to the left of the vin on the build sheet if you have one. By the way WELCOME
  6. Thanks I’m hoping that’s correct but mine stayed in California. Dahm left coast so you never know
  7. CCS. Controlled Combustion System ?
  8. O by the way it was built for a California dealership Wm Morris Santa Paula
  9. I was thinking that because that’s all still there. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t have to find the correct and complete a.i.r. system. I’m still googling to try and find out. I m hoping it is just the canister so I don’t have to spend money on something I don’t want Thanks
  10. Does this picture mean my 71 SS has a smog system. And if so does anyone have pictures of the system so I know what I have to find. Pass exhaust manifold has tube ports but they are plugged. Drivers does not but the date code on that is 74 so it’s been replaced
  11. I grew up in Minnesota. Sometimes I miss real snow like that. Here in Cincinnati we just get leftovers
  12. Did you get the info you needed? I can dig mine out ( wherever they are and get you pics and measurements if you want. Let me know. Dennis
  13. O and by the way I’m 51. So time is not my friend. Of course neither are finances for this project. Karen want new windows in the house. So I can’t win
  14. You do realize that’s my basement. Ha ha I go 3 feet all the way around to work. The advantage I have is all my tools are also in the basement. My three car garage has 3 1/2 other cars and one is Karen’s. And if I don’t let her park in the garage for winter I might be sleeping in the garage. 😝
  15. Love it. Drive thru garage.
  16. If you decide to replace the master cyl let me know because I think that is the correct one I need for my 71 Thanks Dennis
  17. That’s awesome work. Stuff I cannot do. Great job. Getting it back on the frame will give you guys a ton of satisfaction. Great to see a father son project coming along. AWESOME.
  18. Thank you. That’s where I should have put it to begin with
  19. I knew that going in but I had new paint mixed and this is much better
  20. And as of today this is how it sets. Not one broken bolt. Every brake line and hose came apart without twisting and I used nothing but hand tools. No air tools at all. I’ll keep you posted on progress. But now it’s about cleaning everything and figuring out what to buy next. I have no idea how I ended up it the new members section. I meant to do general. Sorry
  21. So it fit. Had to take off the basement doors. Karen said it still will be close might want to take off the center caps. I say it will be fine. I need a new center cap. Lesson to all listen to your woman!!!!!!
  22. Frame headed to the basement. I hope it fits through the doors
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