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Couldn't find an answer via search. Changed the transmission filter and installed new fluid recently and need to understand the procedure for checking the level. First, what is the length of the dipstick just so that I can be sure it will show the correct level? How to check level? Check level when hot and engine off or engine running?


Hi Dave. Th350 or th400?  All GM cars are to be running, in park on level ground with fluid warm to check for correct level. 

A th350 completely empty of fluid usually takes 10 qts while a th400 takes 12 qts unless it has the deep pan which takes 14 qts total. 

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If all you changed was the fluid in the pan and didn’t drain the converter then it would be 4 quarts for a 350 and 6 for the 400 with a standard pan.

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Be sure the car is up to the normal operating temperature when you check the transmission level.

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When changing filter, 3 quarts to start. Car level ( on the ground), in park, idling, let it warm up, pull dipstick, wipe then reinstall, pull back out and check level. This gets close to how much more needed. Try not to over fill. I do the half quart trick to see where the level goes from there. Easy Peasy😊

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Took a picture of my 1971 350 w THM350. Looks like 23-3/4" to me.


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Sorry about the omission of what transmission. I thought my signature would show it. This is for my 1970 454SS with TH400. I only dropped the pan (original) and replaced the filter and kickdown switch. It didn't take a lot of fluid to refill.

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