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Scott S.

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Scott S. last won the day on April 25

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Calgary, Ab.
  • Legal Name
    Scott Semeniuk
  • Occupation
    Semi retired
  • My Monte ('s)
    1970 350 - Auto

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  1. I really like that shade of green.... Not to keen on the light interior though.
  2. Is it possible to push the button all the way in/through ?
  3. I'm guessing that a Bran Flakes box wasn't an option ??
  4. Hey Jason, According to what I've read, the 1405 is a "preformance" carb whereas the 1406 is an "economy" carb. So it makes sense to use the 1405 guidelines. On that note, Edelbrock cards are generally peticular when it comes to evelation..... The higher up, the leaner they like it. And vise versa. I'm using a 1405 with the Edelbrock "Preformer" package (intake & cam) Proform aluminum heads, headers, and H.E.I. as well. It was set up for the Great Lakes area, so when I got it up here to the Rockies I had to lean out the jets to get it to run right. It took a couple swings to get it right, having first leaning out the rods to far and getting the stumble your talking about, I went back to the original rods and took the jets down two steps. Presently I'm getting about 23 miles/ gallon (Can) with a 200R4 transmission, and the overpowering smell of wasted gas is gone, as well as the stumble. Still has just a gentle hint of the scent.
  5. I always liked those rims..... Gives it that "Hot Wheels" feel.
  6. In the infamous words of Jim Morrison...... "Come on baby, pull my wire"...... LOL
  7. Somehow I can see you roaming an apocolyptic wasteland searching for a twinkie..... Does your Monte have the #3 painted on the door ?
  8. Trying to drown out the sounds of the sirens, James ???
  9. Not jealous..... Just couldn't find out where the place was. lol
  10. That would depend on where your Monte was built.... Varing state and foreign regulations sometimes called for shoulder straps in '70.
  11. Hey !!!! I remember seeing that of an episode of "Hoarders" last season.....
  12. Tried replacing the side marker bulb ? If that's not it, then the ground wire to the rad support is probably broken. Again, I'm "realocating" attachments...
  13. Most '70's have the 8.2".... In '71 G.M. started to transition to the 8.5"/8.6", depending on engine and gear options. 8.2" are hard to find parts for, not sure about 8.5/8.6". Here's a picture of an 8.2.... 8. 5"/8.6" have tabs on the bottom corners of the housing. It's one way to tell the diffrence.
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