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cny first gen 71

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cny first gen 71 last won the day on December 10

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About cny first gen 71

  • Birthday 10/13/1954

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Liverpool N.Y. USA
  • Legal Name
    Steve Lavoie
  • Occupation
  • My Monte ('s)
    1971 350 -Auto

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  1. Congratulations to all and thank you to everyone that makes this place great
  2. Got my tree up 😅 guess I'm all done now.
  3. We had a daisy bb gun not sure it was a red rider but I remember it being kinda old when I was a kid in the 60s my brother and I used to shoot it behind the house and up in the woods. Wonder what ever happened to that.
  4. Unfortunately as of this moment I will be unable to attend, I have reservations at a campground I've been trying to get into for 2 seasons now. If something goes south with that plan then maybe I'll be able to attend. Will definitely miss all the fun for sure.
  5. Some of them had the rear seats on the sides too. My dad had a 75 chevy wagon I think they were that way. That one the rear window went up into roof and tail gate went down under. That was pretty cool.
  6. Actually only have 1 brother (paul) and another half brother not pictured, the others are just long time friends.
  7. Just found this the other day 2011 Syracuse nationals, my brother Paul standing the 2 people on the left end were other participants we didn't know, me in red shirt and hat, my brother Bob next, then brother Nelson, brother Fred and my other brother Bob behind my brother Paul's car. Oh we had some fun that year.
  8. And no seat belts required, how unsafe was that? But we all survived and those that didn't aren't here to talk about it.
  9. Never really liked the 68 style but I'd take that. I took my road test in a 68 Belair.
  10. Yea that's about the time I connected with Bob he actually still lived in ny then neighboring city to my home town near Albany.
  11. It was used by another parts store for there calendar before around 10 or so years ago. I think it was auto value or something like that. I got it from a local parts store/machine shop I used to deal with, Niles auto supply they have been in business for many years. I'm sure the original owners are long gone Billy and Tommy baker they were both good guys.
  12. I'll never forget, my dad told us about thst day how he and his brother signed up for the service days later. Another reason I'll never forget my daughter was born 41 years ago today.
  13. Yes but Bob Lynan don't own it any more. It now belongs to Glenn. Beautiful car.
  14. Yes that's it, I don't know how to do a link but here's a screenshot.
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