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Everything posted by cbolt

  1. Lucas hot rod oil and wix filter.
  2. I used those on my original fenders. You will be disappointed.
  3. Ha, I have that same cutting board!
  4. This. This is why neither eastern or western meet is held in March. Left to right... Rob, Dennis, Ron, Joe, and I think that's Aaron on the far right, but cannot be certain. (Could be Larry)
  5. Plastic. Unfortunately, I installed my plastic inner fenders before the Monte specific ones were available so they are Chevelle inner fenders and do not have the wire loom channels in them, nor do they fit exactly. When they finally crack Ill get the plastic Monte ones. Been on since 2002 so who knows when they will finally crack. What I do know is they will never rust.
  6. I count on the rain to wash mine. Hope it rains on the way up, so my wash is fresh for the show!
  7. I have had very good luck with the Optima Red Top batteries. It can sit for a month or more, no battery tender, and still deliver plenty of cranking power, even when several years old. I am only on my second one in 8-9 years of buying the first one. Some folks balk at them because they don't look stock (the red is funky looking) but I could care less, so long as I can rely on it. Someone already said it..... from the drivers seat at 70mph it looks just fine.
  8. Not into getting yelled at by an old man?
  9. How could I ever forget that meet? A total washout for me as I recall. Kept the car covered all day Saturday in the hotel parking lot. That was like the 24 hours of bench racing, right?
  10. Admit it. The banter convinced you to attend, right? Looking forward to meeting you.
  11. Just what we need. Someone else we have to translate for.... ugh.
  12. Thats my goal as well Sammy. Everything will have to line up just so, or we will have to wait for Linda to retire before we make a western meet happen. It will happen, just no idea exactly when. You KNOW I'll be driving out. Cross country backroads in the Monte.... heaven. 😎
  13. I hear there is plenty of room for the fiero club in Hershey, Pittsburg, and even Cleveland. Those guys can stay there.
  14. I can never remember which fluid type is in which vehicle so i keep the container with a decal which says what vehicle the fluid type is in. Sounds kind of crazy, i know, but I have 7 vehicles all requiring brake fluid and not all have the same fluid requirement. Then when its time to flush and fill I know what kind to purchase.
  15. I get the PBR, but by god man, at least drink it straight from the can! RIP Toby. ☹️
  16. and when you check the levels of the brake fluid, coolant, and even the engine oil, use your fingers to touch each fluid so you can compare the feel against what is on the garage floor. All three fluids feel slightly different when rolled between the fingers. You may even go as far as to perform what can only be described as a sniff check because anti freeze has an odor while brake fluid and engine oil have an entirely different odor. Its almost not worth saying but be sure to thoroughly wash your hands afterwards.
  17. pics would help if you can take them
  18. cbolt


    For the hard to remove fuses I normally disconnect the battery then get the bent end of a scribe under the metal part and pop that sucka right out. This method has never failed me.
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