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Everything posted by willie

  1. He will have to cut it and snip it. Piece of cake for him...
  2. Joe if you ever get that big, that hot tub turns into a one-person tub!!! You just keep eating whatever you want, butter pecan ben and jerry's. lol
  3. Thats bull Joe, he has that magic machine takes bolts out when you heat them. I have to look for one of them so i can slow down on the cussing!!! Dennis keep up the good work buddy!!!
  4. willie

    New Guy Here

    Looks good Joe!!! Work never ends!!! That driveshaft looks great!!
  5. I am better now Dennis, you were scaring me for awhile!!! You can take the "If" out now.
  6. I don't know.... Just saying...... Maybe i will put it in one of my Swiss cheese parts cars.
  7. Glad it went well Steve, give it some time to heal before you go back to it!!!
  8. Sammy i said in Dennis's other post he is going to fix it!! He will!!! Joe he is NOT going to put that 454 in the Chevelle, you know why????? I have a 70 Chevelle 454 and matching tranny "in stock" that i haven't decided what to do with it yet...........
  9. Welcome Luke, She looks great! I am working on one now the same color...
  10. willie

    New Guy Here

    Joe she looks Great. But i have to tip my hat to you again, No sleep and fixing all that spaghetti. I don't know how you do it. I would be seeing doubles and triples of each color wire. Nothing would be working for me. Nice job, always loved that interior, problem is i could never fit in the car!!! lol
  11. Dennis not sure what will be left but you are second on the parts that are left!
  12. No problem, Sammy. 😀
  13. lmao I wish they had a car wash like that in my Neiborhood. All my cars including the ones that don't run will be spotless!!!
  14. Sammy all set up, spoke to Chad said he will be bringing all that is left over. So parts will be at Carlisle in June!!!
  15. Sammy will you be attending the Carlisle meet in June? Reason i ask is i lent an extra unit to someone in the club to restore his. He is done restoring his, so i will get a hold of him to bring it to the show and see what parts are left. You are welcome to pick through the leftovers at that time.
  16. I like it also, looks great Steve!!! Good Luck with the surgery!!!!
  17. The car will NOT be parted out or scraped. Dennis has a good head on his shoulders. If she is too much work (at this time) for Dennis. I will bet he will try and sell it whole. We all know Dennis has the ability to do it, we already see what he has done with the others. Fantastic work. I don't believe he is on the fence, i think he just needs a nudge. lol And yes, as James stated he married a saint, and she helps him too. What a great deal!!!! Come on Dennis!!! (I think secretly Dennis wants more dancing bananas!!!)
  18. Dennis i had the same fluffy stuff in one of the SS's i have. I also wouldn't leave it in there. You opened the can of worms, at least vacuum it out ant throw some dryer sheets in there then cover it up for now. Thats what i did!! I have to say it does look comfy!!! lol I put dryer sheets in all my parts cars, yearly. And believe it or not they do work!! I also spray peppermint around the area, that seems to work also. The only bugger i know that is around is a racoon and i haven't gotten around to catch that PIA yet. But he doesn't hurt any thing.
  19. Hey, Tom, is that why i didn't see you guys on Sat?? Kevin any one of your cars can park next to mine at any show (one more beautiful then the next).
  20. LOl Dennis i am trying to catch up, been away for a few days...
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