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Everything posted by DragCat

  1. I asked Michael how he does it, not going to be any this weekend, T&T got rained out 😠 Gotta give the track props for calling it as early as possible so I wasnt loaded up heading out from here in the sunshine driving to immenent thunderstorms. Of course rain and thunder here now, Have to laugh, last month it was snowing 🤣
  2. Hey Michael, how do you get your video's off the phone and post them here ? Couldn't find any directions on internet search. I had hoped to use it tonight at T&T but got rained out 😠
  3. Just a quick thanks Michael for the info on the phone mount for the windshield , used mine yesterday works great. Hope to get some more this weekend
  4. Another short cruise yesterday to test the Dragy, once I figure out how to get the video off my phone onto the computer I'll try and post it. I was a little easier on the gas pedal on the straight stretch after my recent good karma close call with the state police lol. The one thing I wasn't aware of or ready for was the Dragy talking to me. Sorta started freaking me out, had the windows down and was listening to the engine and such and I thought I heard a voice. Checked to see if the radio was on somehow, no, then started wondering if some varmint like a raccoon had crawled inside. Well had a good laugh when I figured it out, gonna have to shut that option off lol
  5. Thats weird, oh well guess Michael will have to be more productive with his Dragy video posts lol
  6. Cool Video, I don't have FB either but luckily its a "pubic' page so I was able to watch. Thats a sweet Cyclone
  7. Well hope to get to the track this weekend, weather forecast went from 90% to now 65% rain Friday nite test and tune 😝 Took a short cruise today to blow the dust off 🤣 Hope to do a test run with the new Dragy tomorrow, I'll post a video if I can figure that out 🤣 Figured out the Dr Dial in app, stupid program makes you go to the last weather entry before you can upload the current gps weather 😠 Loaded up the truck with all my race stuff, and the trailer is just waiting to load the Monte, got my extra gas cans filled. If T&T gets rained out I'll go Sat with the DD, I'll have to unhook the trailer and unload all my race stuff but what he heck a day at the track is better than a day at work 🤣 At least I got a short cruise in the Monte today 😁
  8. Vac Modulator would be my first guess, then double check the timing. Both are complete guess on my part. Hopefully someone has some more pertinent suggestions
  9. The lazy boy trap 🤣🤣
  10. Yea, the video isnt the best lol, doesn't look live anything out of the overflow tube. Could be the lower radiator hose/clamp, looks like the rad support could be filled with water too.
  11. Dpnt forget to post pics when installed
  12. Thanks for posting Rob, this and a few other stories posted on the forum can give a restored faith in humanity in todays world. A great story to start off the day with
  13. Thanks guys, haven't lost my mind completely , yet. lol And I do carry and extra axel strap in the truck , I leave mine on the Monte (zip tied) on the rear axel.
  14. Ok I think this was discussed but I can't remember lol. Trying NOT to jinx myself, just trying to verify validate my memory. If I have to winch my Monte on my trailer, my memory says use the front crossmember to pull it up on the trailer, not by the frame. Thanks
  15. DragCat


    Saw the same helpfulness at Bristol last year
  16. No doubt, I usually take the one off my truck when not in use, had a few close calls forgetting it was there
  17. DragCat


    Well I certainly got someone here bamboozled , I just checked mine and it says proficient
  18. The way your going Joe, gonna need a new project for when retirement starts. Only so much time you can spend cutting the grass , hot tubing, and driving what ya got lol
  19. Thanks for posting, I found that a couple years ago when I bought mine, printed it out or saved in a file somewhere lol. Good to have the link
  20. Also some good detailed pic's in this thread
  21. The "rod" in the 2nd (bottom picture) is the steering column lockout. I hope that's what you were asking.
  22. Not sure exactly what your looking for, hope this helps
  23. Well you definitely got your moneys worth outta that helmet lol
  24. I like my stock 3 spoke might have changed it out if I had a 71/72, obviously I'm not the purest lol
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