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Michael Boyte

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Everything posted by Michael Boyte

  1. Not so sure Larry, I always thought the line inspectors each had a color to designate the part had passed their inspection.
  2. Beautiful , love the Monte Carlo Hall with the Monte in the picture..... PRICELESS !!!
  3. Very informative piece of information there . Thanks for posting this !
  4. I would never allow anyone who's services that I am paying for to track my driving habits !!!! 😂
  5. Please keep us posted on this one ! They have talked about it for quite a while now. I will look forward to seeing pictures of it when it arrives
  6. Nice 👍 Thanks Steve, I too loved the truck !
  7. Steve, we sure do miss you guys too !! Someday we will return and are looking forward to seeing everyone ! For us , it's like family that we actually like being around and haven't seen in a long time. Man , the year that it rained so proved to me what a true die hard that you really are. What a great family of friends !!
  8. CARLISLE !!!!! Did I mention.... CARLISLE !! You will not be disappointed , You will be surrounded by a wonderful group of friends, All of which are more than willing to do just about anything to help someone . And most likely will find what you are looking for at the Huge swap meet .
  9. Got to love it !! Got it looking great Steve ! Just in time for the next car friendly season.
  10. Steve, you are so right about that 😂
  11. There has never been a more truthful statement made than that one !!!
  12. I remember putting my first set of Hooker headers on our Monte , that would have been 45 years ago. Headers eversince ,
  13. Steve , you did a wonderful job ! That hood turned out great !!
  14. I'm glad to see that you have gotten your starter issues taken care of. Now it's time to enjoy that beautiful ride !!
  15. Very nice Ed . Looks like a factory setup. You should consider reproducing these, just might be a market there !!
  16. Beautiful ride ! You will definitely get a lot of attention in that car . Just a heads up, be prepared for a conversation every time you fill up with gas , well as far as that goes, everytime you drive the car !!
  17. I too thought the car looked familiar. Maybe from the Blue suede Cruise in 2010 ?
  18. Welcome Michael, and congratulations on your purchase. There's nothing like owning a First Gen Monte !!
  19. Definitely a good looking C/10 !! I recall seeing both vehicles, When I see an SS with it's hood down , it makes me always question why . Therefore I don't usually spend much time looking especially when I still have 5 miles of walking left to do. LoL 🤣
  20. That's a very smart idea !! Impatience can be very expensive !!
  21. Went to Run to the Sun car show, thought you guys might like a couple of Packards spotted there as well as another bad ride.
  22. Now that's what I would call a fantastic head turning chase vehicle ! That will get as much attention as does the motorcycles !! Boxing in the frame is a smart idea as well.
  23. Happy St. Patrick's day to everyone, I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend !!
  24. Very nice, definitely a very exciting time !! Have fun and keep posting pictures please !!
  25. One thing for certain, If you ask this group about a Monte ...... We are going to be honest in our reply. I don't think anyone here would intentionally try to hurt someone's feelings about their personal vehicle . I for one appreciate the honesty, if you don't want to know the truth, Don't ask for it !! I have seen way too many times people misrepresent the vehicle they are attempting to sell . A lot of times people are just flipping the vehicle and will say and do anything to make the sale . Not so long ago people actually put sawdust as well as loaf bread in a rear differential to quite it down long enough to make the sell. Should I ask about a vehicle that is for sale, I for one would appreciate the honesty . I know people have different taste in their vehicles, however everything that was pointed out, is what I would want to know before I made such a purchase . A lot of people might not be able to afford to pay premium for a vehicle that could stand to be refurbished. Nice driver , I'm sure.
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