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1970mcss last won the day on November 1 2023

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About 1970mcss

  • Birthday 03/12/1959

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  • Gender
  • Location
    St. Charles, Illinois
  • Legal Name
    Paul V.
  • Occupation
    Automotive Consultant
  • My Monte ('s)
    1970 SS 454

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  1. Looks like a snowball is beginning to form.
  2. No problem, I think they sell the door panel carpets in pairs. Good luck with the project and keep us updated
  3. I got my door panel carpet replacements from the Parts Place. They even had dark green. They need a little trimming and worked out great
  4. -11 this morning
  5. 1970mcss


    Welcome to the club. You have a get looking Monte. Enjoy the ride.
  6. Ditto on the ditto
  7. Sorry, you are correct
  8. I thought the harness has a ground ring that goes between the wiper switch and the threaded metal nut that holds the switch to the dash bezel. That creates the ground for the wipers.
  9. My wife and I went to Alaska last June. It was unbelievable, the weather was perfect.. Mt. Denali one night about 8pm. Have fun
  10. Sorry, I looked at my 70 service manual
  11. I looked at the wiring diagram and it shows the 20 BRN wire should be for the headlights. I hope that helps
  12. Looking good, great progress
  13. I have set of nos door edges guards that I may never put on but were an original option on my car. I would have to think hard about selling them. I found them on ebay
  14. You would think that as many talented people here on the forum that someone would try to re-produce the heat stoves for these cars. I know I would be interested in a set for my SS
  15. Not a bad looking Monte, missing the rear bumper cushion
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