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Everything posted by stangeba

  1. I have mine set to open the same spot every time, ALL ACTIVITY. Here is a snip of it:
  2. I replaced the heater core in my 71 (NON A/C) and put some pictures together on the event that may be of help to you. I had over 100,000 miles and it needed much more work than yours. https://1971montecarlo.wordpress.com/1971-monte-carlo-no-a-c-heater-core-replacement-pics/
  3. I added speed control to my 71, and since it is attached to my plastic fender, it didn't work. I added an extra wire to the firewall, for a ground, and all is well. In your case, I have no idea but thought I would mention it.
  4. Happy Easter everyone!
  5. I thought it may damage the bumper or worse like breaking off the hitch and totaling the car and what ever I was pulling.
  6. Steve, If you look at this picture, you can see a small arrow on the hose on the top center of the picture. I think that is where it goes. It's been a long time 10 years or more since I did this .
  7. Steve, FYI, if you replace the small rubber hoses, shown in your picture, one of them on my 71 350, had a very small restrictor inside of the hose that I almost threw out!
  8. Love it! I remember doing mine way back but did not box the arms, just bolted the anti sway bar in place. Many years later, my nephew welded some more metal on the arms. Mine isn't as nice as yours.
  9. Welcome! Great looking Monte!
  10. Mike, the monte Carlo Hall has changed names shortly after I took that picture. So happy I took it when I did!
  11. Mark, Yes, I wanted to fix all the little things since I had it apart anyway. So happy I did all those small tasks, even the parking brake assembly still looks great and I love the 3 point safety belt system. I never used the shoulder belts in my 71 Monte Carlo till I changed them! New carpet was needed after all the years of use.
  12. Click this link: https://goo.gl/photos/QXxXrCawPSrrc5VNA and you will see what can happen when you start a simple repair, like a leaking heater core, NO A/C.
  13. I was looking at some old pictures saved to "GOOGLE PHOTOS" on my PC, and thought I would try to share them with you using a simple :hot link" If it works. Enjoy! https://photos.app.goo.gl/x3vwYMSGkfqkvoML8
  14. The picture reminds me of years ago when the diaphragm (left side Rochester Products) was shot and leaking vacuum. I purchased a complete new canister assembly and it fit and worked great. I still have the original one someplace. A few years later I checked and couldn't find one to purchase anymore. Try this link I just added 4:59 PM Sunday 26 Mar 2023 https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNw7j1PsseRuy0UjSaVYq5wjOmD0gm88OjqH67HeEKdGh2b7U9Xo56EI1WtDeS8MA?key=ZFEyem9TeDVia2dTeE9Db0NjTlZaOHR0SDlpazF3
  15. I found one, bottom, don't remember where, but it is too short compared to the top broken one. One of the members sold some years ago, and that is the top broken one. I did drill a small hole and used a small nail to hold it together. Worked for awhile.
  16. I ship items for my Brother in-law's home business. I always take the customer supplied ship to address and run it through the U.S.P.S. ZIP Code Lookup web site. It is quick, free and prevents issues like this. Many times it is a TYPO on the customers side or they assume we ship all via UPS. This will also give you a +4 for the ZIP Code. There is one for Canada also that is great. https://tools.usps.com/zip-code-lookup.htm?byaddress
  17. Charged up the battery but still too wet and cold here to drive it. Soon, I hope!
  18. From my 71 350 4BBL. One day I replaced the original rubber hoses and almost threw out this tiny blue restrictor stuffed inside of one of the hoses. The picture shows a small arrow inside of the top right hose, that's where the restrictor went.
  19. Welcome to the club! We love pictures.
  20. Brad, I pulled a 73 Artic Cat snowmobile a dozen times or so and a 1963 TR-3B to get painted one time. I was always scared to pull anything with it.
  21. Looks great! Body off frame, wish I had done that.
  22. After I sprayed some WD-40 on my squeaky hinges, the hood did not stay up like it should. My neighbor had a fix, he took a smaller spring, perhaps 3/4" that would fit inside of the hinge spring, added two S hooks one to the bottom inside, then the smaller spring, then the second S hook, pulled with a vice grip to attach the hook to the top inside. I don't have sizes for this smaller spring, but it worked! I do have a copper pipe to hold the hood open I still add for safety. I bet this was over 15 years ago! Good luck!
  23. Nice! My wife had a Red 73 Cougar 351 Cleveland 2BBL, nice car but it was stolen, never to be found.
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