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Everything posted by Mikstudie

  1. Great news, take it easy...
  2. Yea this is about the least year I can remember of not driving the Monte. Needs a couple brake lines and i have just not had the time to replace them, pretty sad...
  3. Thoughts and prayers.. I loved his Monte for obvious reasons
  4. Cooper Cobras on mine too, your new tires look great...
  5. I had one like that for a short while, wasn't fond of it. I just like the looks of the oe steering wheel mostly because the horn pad looks perfect for our cars with the the Monte Carlo signature on it. JMO...
  6. Yes it was a last minute thing. Probably a bankruptcy hearing.
  7. Inline tube, this place is awesome. https://www.inlinetube.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwgZuDBhBTEiwAXNofRGX6cP7hXZKi_EdIai6dcFa-SJVr5qvtA-UII5z0LCmvKRI1937VgxoCH4IQAvD_BwE
  8. I would almost bet that we'll see condos, houses or a shopping area there in a couple years.
  9. Thats what I was thinking, it should have said " we spent all the profits on stupid crap"
  10. Good old fashion Gunk Foaming Dereaser and a power wash should do the trick... Before and after pics would be great... https://www.google.com/search?q=gunk+foaming+degreaser&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS885US885&oq=&aqs=chrome.0.69i59i450l8.17392j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  11. So sad, not that I run my car at the dragway but a lot of my friends do (yes i have friends). Milan Dragway in Milan mi. closes due to poor management. http://milandragway.com/
  12. Does this mean my 72 could be a SS.
  13. Nice pic.. I had mine out Sunday, was a nice ride..
  14. Someone has way to much time on his hands. But thanks for the laugh..
  15. Awesome read that I read., Why does a light switch have on and off on it, if its on you know its on, if its off you cant see to read it anyway...
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