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Jared Richey

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Everything posted by Jared Richey

  1. I was just thinking about him a week ago. We talked periodically. He would call me every so often. We even talked about his cancer situation. I thought a lot of Mike. Met him in 2014. Uhhhhh I don't know what to say. Crockett last week now this :::(
  2. Ill be up Monday to get my Vista cruiser bumper Gonna go see Aaron
  3. Unfortunately no they haven't. It's another manufacturer. AMD does the quarter panels. We need a rear tail section bad also.
  4. Depends on assembly plant. I've seen july cars with and without
  5. I have a contact in Ohio for a restored frame . I sold him all mine Jim Webster 9374080702
  6. Were you the same one that was here years ago. Mike and Jaylene Welch? Look up Hector he is very close to you for the large parts. 6264885472 I have a grill and headlight extension. BTW what happened??
  7. They will be good patch areas to fix originals anyway. Marker light area being one that typically rust and that is not made.
  8. I'll miss you buddy! Not the news I wanted Donny to call and tell me today!
  9. You could use a set of junk 70 openings and graft into? Lot of work
  10. Absolutely best article ever. Upper right hand corner value guide looks more like a wholesale dealer guide especially on SS 454 and 4 speed cars lol
  11. Great. Just subscribed. You might be interested in my channel as well
  12. The more early on the more door prizes we will get. We have 16 confirmed. I never expect any Meet to be bigger than Carlisle but wait and see people who my friend Donny has told to join and come that live with 50 miles or Bristol Still won't show up! Lol They the same crowd who will say "maybe it'll come to (insert town or event here)" Yes people please attend with or without your car. Sometimes it's nice to go to a show with no car and just relax. We have had 10 members in the past at some meets with no car.
  13. I want to put this out there, I am not fussing and I am not mad at anyone for what I'm about to say but I feel like it needs to be said. Yes this is calling some out and is gonna step on some toes. I've thought of posting this before but after a conversation today with someone i respect I feel better about it. South East Members: I can not count how many times I've heard people gripe and complain about "all the meets are up north" Well at one time there were back to back north meets at times. That's not the case anymore. Since 2012, I have organized meets in Hiawassee GA twice, Kodak TN, and this year Bristol. We have meets every other year below the Mason Dixon Line YOU NEED TO START COMING! This is a call to Attend, I am willing to organize a meeting every other year in your back door its time to show up. Guess who else organizes meets in the South? No one...No reason we can't have 20-25 members this year in Bristol. If this low attendance trend continues unfortunately Meets will not continue to be held in these areas. Northeast Members : I want you to Travel Outside of just relying on Carlisle every year for your Meet location. Travel to the official Eastern Meet down south, meet new faces and see a different town. This will also help Our attendance. I feel like the South locations do not draw enough interest from out northeast crowd and thats ashame! There are those of you who do Travel down and much appreciated for you to Join us. One of the reasons I chose Bristol TN was to draw in more of You as it's further north than Hiawassee GA. Come on down you are welcome here! I practice what I preach here, I've been to many Northern Meets some 700 miles away i have the Long Distance plague to prove it, yall do the same😀 Midwest: Step up and Organize an Event! The Club will support you for a mid western meet. I will be glad to answer any questions you have! STOP WAITING ON SOMEONE ELSE! Just Do it! 😀 I think that covers it 😉
  14. No car shows this summer? Around here there is usually 5 sometimes 10 cruise ins or shows on any given Saturday within a 75-100 mile radius.
  15. They are also very popular among the under 30 crowd I've sold parts to someone as young as 17 in the last few years.
  16. So you bought those from Rick. Glad to hear they are getting fixed. Just wanted to mention I restore these cars as well. But in SC. Seems no one wants to do this and when they take you in it takes 3 years.
  17. "Current circumstances don't let us Operate the track safely " What?
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