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Everything posted by RealRed70

  1. You could also get these parts from me. $8.50 including the shipping. Private Message me if interested. Thank you, Dan
  2. No, you need this stuff. No wire used on the NK-1 four spoke wheel. You can get what I have shown below at your local GM dealer or on ebay.
  3. For the orange wire you can tap into the orange wire for the glove box light. The orange wire for a clock will also work.
  4. You should be able to find them on ebay.
  5. The mirror should have two plastic nubs that just push into holes that are in the visor under the fabric. You should be able to feel the holes. You will have to cut the fabric over the holes.
  6. Does your car have the automatic leveling system installed on the car? I can not see it in your picture of the engine compartment.
  7. UF1 is the code for mirror lamp.I believe it is for the lamp on the mirror. In 1971 they called it a map light.
  8. UM2 is the option code for the radio.
  9. They look very nice. Great work.
  10. I have one original set of Monte buckets that has the buttons 10 1/4 inches down from the piping/ top seam to the middle of the button. I have two more sets of originals that have the buttons at 11 1/2 inches down. I would go with the 11 1/2 myself, but lets see what some one else has for a measurement. I would not go by any measurements from seats that have been recovered.
  11. Your welcome. It will ship tomorrow.
  12. Joe's car is a 1972. This is how it goes. Most 1971 A/C equipped cars do not have the shut off levers that 1970 cars have. No 1972 A/C equipped cars have the shut off levers. All 1970- 72 cars equipped with A/C have longer vent housings than non A/C cars for 1970-72. The ducting that connects to them is different for A/C to non A/C cars. A/C cars need A/C vent housings, non A/C cars need non A/C vent housings. My first picture is the non A/C vents, my second picture is the A/C vents for a 1970. The 72 version of the A/C vents are just as long as these shown in picture two, but do not have the shut off levers. Again, most 71's do not have the levers. Private Message me if you would like to purchase a 1972 A/C vent housing. I also have some non A/C vent housings for sale.
  13. Yes, it will fit. It will be a perfect fit. As he mentioned, you will need the proper horn contact. It will look like this.
  14. You could sell that on Craig's list after you are through with it. Someone would buy it.
  15. Yes, the style with the flow shut off levers are only on A/C equipped cars.
  16. Just a little more reassurance. All my dashes have them like this. If they are on the bottom slat they are wrong. This dash still needs the wood grain panel put back on.
  17. Personally, I would not buy a chrome rally wheels. You are so much better off with a painted rally wheel. Why. If the wheel ever starts looking shabby all you have to do is blast it and re paint it. Once a Chrome wheel rusts it is pretty much junk. A freind of mine bought the chrome style and the chrome did not hold up long at all. He could not hardly give them away. He then went with a painted original set. Wished he would have listened and not bought the chrome wheels.
  18. Could they get the number off the frame. I think there is one there somewhere.
  19. Before removing anything, be sure to remove the negative battery terminal. If you put threaded rods in the upper dash housing mounting holes where the bolts are now it will be easy to slide the dash toward you. You need one on the drivers side and one on the passenger side about 12 inches long will work. You will still have to remove the other five bolts that hold the dash housing frame to the car. Be sure to support the center of the dash housing so that you do not crack it.
  20. Pictures will help. Please post some.
  21. PlastX is what I use. I get it at Walmart. Below is a link to this product. Novus is also good. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Meguiar-s-Plast-X-Clear-Plastic-Cleaner-and-Polish/16550253?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=5463&adid=22222222227010027956&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=40838625392&wl4=pla-78651900512&wl5=9018720&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=16550253&wl13=5463&veh=sem&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyaihnv-D3wIVjIlpCh0Bgg8EEAQYBCABEgLkL_D_BwE
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