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Everything posted by Glen

  1. I just scheduled an online appointment for a tetanus shot after seeing that back window. The vinyl top really sets these cars off, but the cancer it’s capable of fostering is truly disgusting.
  2. My 2 cents… As Dennis and Paul both lamented, you’ll probably be kicking yourself for dumping this one when you get the urge to get another one after you’re all settled in at the new place. I also like the idea of storing it (perhaps even at your buddies body shop)… have them work on it as their schedule permits, especially if you’re not in a big hurry to get it done. And you can always start a hunt for a reputable body shop down in Florida with the help of somebody in the First Gen Monte Carlo world in the event any unfinished bodywork can be completed down there. Options are good to have… you just have to ensure you find and/or create those options to have at your disposal. “Sellers Remorse” is every bit as real as buyers remorse, but at the end of the day you have to do what you feel is right. It’s easy for everybody else not directly involved to armchair quarterback the issue. Hope this helps.
  3. Awwww s&@t, I got tears in my eyes I’m laughing so hard at this!!. Good times 🤣😂
  4. I spy… Rob in his ketchup & mustard inspired short-shorts and sleeveless T-shirt ensemble.
  5. Welcome!! … beautiful ride and nice that you’ve got all the pertinent documentation for pedigree purposes. PS - yes you CAN do doughnuts with a one tire fire (ask me how I know).
  6. I know this is way early of a notification, but I just got the email yesterday for this year‘s annual show in Willow Springs Illinois. This was the very first show I put my car in… I have included the link below. http://www.willowsprings-il.gov/14th-annual-benefit-car-show/
  7. Glen

    East coasters

    Good luck all. We had 7” here last week. Another foot expected this week. Meh… winter in Chicago. Here’s pix from last winter after 16 inches…
  8. Through Hagerty, I had my ‘70 SS’s agreed upon value at the same amount that I paid for it, for the first year. The following year I was able to up that amount by 16K - yes, $16,000 - based on current values. They asked for pictures when I first insured the car thru them, but didn’t require pix for the increase. I mentioned that the new interior will be done this year… they said to recontact them when it’s done to again increase the agreed upon value. Best part is the premium increase wasn’t crazy. Everything points to our cars’ values moving in the right direction.
  9. Dex Cool was my nickname in high school. Nah… it wasn’t. I was called a lot of things, but nothin’ remotely close to “cool” 😂🤣
  10. Welcome! Plenty of knowledge here. Looking forward to pictures.
  11. Oh great! This likely means that Rob will be sharing pix in his skivvies from when he modeled for Hanes.
  12. “Let’s start by diving into the exterior”… only to be followed by nonsensical ramblings about squashing a rabbit and a world history lesson, circa 1972. This is the guy that got pantsed and shoved into lockers in high school on a regular basis. That review was 25 minutes too long. That said, what a nice Monte.
  13. Another 30 years and it’ll be a treehouse.
  14. I’ve never done interior work, but my assumption is: perhaps they only pull the buttons through the cloth and backing as it’s more likely to have buttons rip/be pulled completely thru cloth than it is the stronger vinyl. Picture those buttons being pulled against cloth as tight as they are pulled against the vinyl in the pictures shown… no way they’d last. Not sure if this makes sense, but it does to me after a few Bourbons.
  15. Glen

    quadrajet 7040200

    My 70 SS has an aftermarket intake and carb, but I have the original one ready to go if I ever decide to put her back to stock. It’s a Carter (built for Rochester) but it is the same part number. Protect-O-Plate reflects a ‘C’ denoting it as correct original equipment on my January 1970 Van Nuys built car. And yes, it’s the right carb for our cars.
  16. Although I somehow missed this thread when it was timely, my deepest condolences to his family and those who knew him.
  17. Glen


    Too bad she didn’t make it to see her 100 year special autobiography. RIP
  18. Glen

    Slow progress

    I gotta hand it to you guys that have the skills to pull s@&t like this off. Not only do I NOT have skills, I’m extremely impatient. Waiting months for parts to try and get a car put back together would drive me bananas. Keep up the good work… I’ll enjoy living vicariously thru you really mechanically inclined guys.
  19. Pull up Legendary Auto Interiors online. Their catalog has very good examples of which grain is which. Will make it alot easier to figure out what you need when you can compare it directly to what’s in the car. And don’t half a%# it… so all seat surfaces so they match nicely.
  20. I had that ugly feeling in my gut when I read the title to Paul’s post. Glad it was much ado about nuffin.
  21. Couldn’t believe it scraped off with my thumbnail and a damp cloth, it looked exactly like a huge stone chip. Such a nice feeling! …until you discover residual bird s&@t under your thumbnail All nonsense aside, she looks like she’s cleaning up nicely
  22. Very cool, Crom. Before you know it, the car will be roadworthy and you’ll be able to take the family out for a leisurely drive for ice cream, car shows and the like. No doubt you’re going to get looks and thumbs up every time you drive her. Keep the updates and pictures coming.
  23. Same here… my girl came with an Edelbrock Performer intake and Quickfuel carb. The stock air cleaner I popped big coin for didn’t fit - even with spacers. Which is why I will be leaving the Chevelle air cleaner assembly that came with the car in place for now. I’ve got the original intake and carb, so if/when I ever go back to stock I’ll have a brand new/re-pop factory correct air cleaner.
  24. Your beard is not as long as I remember, Santa.
  25. I did the same. Price was considerably more than I thought it should’ve been, but then again I have never had to order those for this car, so I might be considerably out of touch with what I think is a fair price. That said, don’t forget Crom is in Ireland…shipping costs would prob be brutal. That ⬆️… or steer with your right hand and use the left to operate a squeegee on the driver’s side of the windshield.
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