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Sooo slow

Ron Tevis

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No, not my Monte slow, but weather I’m on my iPad or on this new iPhone, on wifi or not on wifi , when I go from one topic to another on this site it takes forever to load. And even signing on is slow. My equipment causing problems?. Or is anyone else suffering this symptom , thanks . 📱 

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I have not had much problem with "Slow" but I know Ian is working on the "Service Unavailable" issues we are having.  I had spent about 3 hours on the phone with Go-daddy trying to get help from them with the Service Unavailable issues with no luck and that is why Ian is on the case now.


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I’m having the same problem. Could the site need to be purged of older material and that moved to the archive?  Just an example “what did you do for your Monte today “ is 118 pages long. Just spit balling here. I went got a new iPhone because I thought it was my phone having issues. It’s a work phone so it’s not like I had to pay for it. Lol. 

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I was using a 7 year old  iPhone 📱 6. Was due an upgrade anyway so went to the 12 📱. Didn’t help. Still slow. Switched from duck duck go search engine back to google  definitely helped some . But still sits there and stares at me for the most part.. 

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I have the same issues with the site being slow. It is either our site itself or maybe the server we are on but I don't have the expertise to figure out the issue. It appears not everyone has the same issue but at times the site is very slow to load.

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Slow for me on work & home computers, and still get the site unavailable page quite often as well.

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This is so strange, fgmcc as fast as greased lightnin tonight ,, haven’t done anything different... hopefully it’s being fixed.. possibly them working on the blanking out part is helping, surely hope so. ️ 

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  • 3 months later...

So far, after the tweaks Ian did earlier today, the pages seem to load a lot faster, and less error faults. There are a bunch of members logged in right now, and it still seems pretty good. Fingers crossed...

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