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Today marks 98 days and a wake-up before some of our members start arriving for our Eastern Meet.  It won't be long now. 

Get any projects done now in preparation for this largest club meet ever.


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Bring it on. Looking forward to seeing everyone at our largest meet ever !!!

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There is no way i am going to be ready!!!  But i will be there!!!  lol

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I agree Willie. I’m not even washing the car or possibly cars. Too much to do and so little time. Ok I’m gonna take a nap now. 

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10 minutes ago, Dtret said:

I agree Willie. I’m not even washing the car or possibly cars. Too much to do and so little time. Ok I’m gonna take a nap now. 

I agree makes no sense to wash them it'll either rain or pick up bugs along the way for sure. Usually a hose at hotel and there are wash bays at the show field anyone can use.

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I count on the rain to wash mine. Hope it rains on the way up, so my wash is fresh for the show!

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Today marks 97 days and a wake-up before some of our members start arriving for our Eastern Meet.  

There is time to finish your projects but maybe not time to start new ones..  but no time for procrastination!


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13 hours ago, Dtret said:

Too much to do and so little time. Ok I’m gonna take a nap now. 

Dennis, it sounds like you have been associating too much time with Joe.  So, what does your recliner look like.


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1 hour ago, Rob Peters said:

Dennis, it sounds like you have been associating too much time with Joe.  So, what does your recliner look like.


We’re poor, so it’s a couch with two reclining chairs. Also known as the cats scratching post. It’s a multi purpose piece of furniture. 

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8 hours ago, Dtret said:

We’re poor, so it’s a couch with two reclining chairs. Also known as the cats scratching post. It’s a multi purpose piece of furniture. 

Lol  So is the rolling pin, as per Karen!!!

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Today marks 96 days and a wake-up before some of our members start arriving for our Eastern Meet.

With Daylight Savings now in effect it will give you more daylight time to finish your projects.


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7 hours ago, Rob Peters said:

With Daylight Savings now in effect it will give you more daylight time to finish your projects.


Boy glad to hear that but I did not know we could get more than 24 hours is a day 😝 😆 😂 

  • Haha 4

Today marks 95 days and a wake-up before some of our members start arriving for our Eastern Meet.

By this ti.e next week we will be in the 80's in our countdown.


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Good Evening,  today marks 93 days and a wake-up before some of our members start arriving for our Eastern Meet, I hope you are able to do some work on your pre-meet Monte projects because after this weekend, you will only have 13 weekends to get them done.


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Good Morning,  today marks 92 days and a wake-up before some of our members start arriving for our Eastern Meet.  


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23 hours ago, Rob Peters said:

Good Evening,  today marks 93 days and a wake-up before some of our members start arriving for our Eastern Meet, I hope you are able to do some work on your pre-meet Monte projects because after this weekend, you will only have 13 weekends to get them done.


Rob, don't jinx anybody, you know how these things sometimes snowball 🤣

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Good Morning,  today marks 91 days and a wake-up before some of our members start arriving for our Eastern Meet.  


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Good ,  Afternoon  today marks  89 days and a wake-up before some of our members start arriving for our Eastern Meet.  Wow, it seems like just yesterday were in the 90's.  No need to get nervous yet. 

In the background we are starting to address the things that need to be addressed to make this a more successful Eastern Meet.  We need to get some more people and cars registered.  While we currently have more members registered than ever before we don't have more first gen Monte's registered yet.   Some members either aren't bringing a car or the car they are bringing is not a first gen Monte... All are welcome but let's get some more first gen Monte's registered.  Carlisle Events is supposed to be sending me a listing of how many registrations in the club name they have and how many of those are first gen Monte's.

As of right now we only have I think rooms available in the club host hotel but I have contracted with another hotel for some more rooms but that hotel is the nearest one I could find with enough rooms to give me 10 or more rooms, none of the hotels near the host hotel had enough to write a contract.  If we do run out of rooms at the club host hotel I will start a waiting list for people who want to be on a waiting list for a room at the host hotel.

With car show and cruise season upon us start stalking people to join the club and at the meet.


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Good Morning.  Well, another day has ticked off the calendar and today marks  88 days and a wake-up before some of our members start arriving in Carlisle for our 2024 Eastern Meet. 


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Good Morning. Well, another day has ticked off the calendar and today marks 84 days and a wake-up before some of our members start arriving in Carlisle for our 2024 Eastern Meet. We will soon be in the 70's in our count-down.


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Good Morning,

Well, after today we have 82 days and a wake-up until our members start arriving for the Eastern Meet.  I know that sounds like a long time but on Saturday we will hit 79 days and a wake-up and that doesn't sound as bad.


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We are now at Eight-Zero, that's 80 days and a wake-up,  before members start arriving in Carlisle for the Eastern Meet 


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In 79 days and a wake-up my 70 Monte, along with some others will be arriving in Carlisle for our 25th Eastern Meet.   We currently  have 77 members registered to attend and wondering when we will hit 80 members.  


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