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Glad you made it home okay Mike. Glad you were able to make it to the meet!


Thanks Jack. We enjoyed every minute of it. We are ready for the next one. smile See ya next year.


Thanks Paul for sharing the pictures. Great to see all those Montes all in one place. Excitement is growing for the WM.


Question?? Red and black Monte: Scott's? I was looking at the upper hose and wondered where he might have to is??



After seeing all those Montes at the EM and some pictures of the cars that attend the WM, my car is going to look like a Red Headed Stepchild in comparision.

We made it back without a backfire this morning at 1 am. I guess the new plugs helped.


We had a great time. Great group of people and their families. I made some new friends, found out I had a brother who was in the group. Well not really, but Jared's grandma said we looked like brothers. What a sweet family they are. I will post pix soon. To be in one place with all those FGMCs was amazing.


Thanks to all the hard working people who put this together. I tip my FGMCC baseball cap to you all. I can't wait to do it again next year.


Oh ya and the look on the faces of the local cruise night that we went to was just priceless when we all pulled in the parking lot.


It was great to see not only old friends from the club but it was amazing the number of first time attendees at the meet. It is always great to put faces with the screen names here.


Mike it was great to meet you and I appreciat your assistance with the pictures, it was greatly appreciated how you took over my camera while I had other things I needed to do during the awards, raffle, auction and holding grandkids. I am glad you made it back with no issues and I look forward to seeing you again in Carlisle a week from this Friday. Give me a PM with your cell phone and since you may not be bringing your car along to Carlisle you are welcome to ride with me to and from the show from the hotel. My cell is 412-298-2645.



Thanks Rob. I am glad I was able to assist it a great event.


It was kinda sad for me when I had to say good bye to everyone. It felt like it went by fast.


Looking forward to seeing you again and meeting some of the other members who could not make the EM.


Got your number added to my phone. Here is my cell 508-561-5720. I don't mind posting it. It is already all over the web anyway. smile All my new friends are more than welcome to call and say hi anytime if they want to keep in touch.


Whos car is that in the last row on the left side it looks to be a Burgandy color. Anyway it is sharp they all look good but there is something about that color.


That one belongs to a member that just joined this weekend before the show. Don't remeber his name. frown

That one belongs to a member that just joined this weekend before the show. Don't remeber his name. frown


New member, his name is Jim Garret


Thanks for posting those pictures Paul. I hardly got any myself, busy helping with anything I could. It was great to see everybody again and meet all the new members. Glad everybody got home safe. Can't wait for next year!!

It was kinda sad for me when I had to say good bye to everyone. It felt like it went by fast.


Mike, that's why some of us have started getting there earlier in the week. Some day it may be a week long EM. - Dave


Are there any mini meets planed as of now?


mike 57 usually has one,leo does as well.

i dont want to speak for anyone but i think mike said hes having one.

Are there any mini meets planed as of now?


Next one is Mike's in early October (usually) in New Castle, PA.

Leo is trying to do one every other year so nothing in the works this year that I have heard.

We will resume ours next April/May.

In Late January Scott plans a brunch at a restaurant in PA.


I'll have a mini meet if anyone wants to travel to Southern California


Fall mini meet early Oct at my house. 3rd annual!

Fall mini meet early Oct at my house. 3rd annual!


Hmmmmm, must be a mistake. You told me late October!





I get it now! I didn't just fall off the short bus....I was pushed! lol


i defintiely enjoyed the norwalk meet!! (also my first super chevy meet, btw). got to have some good conversations with some good people and got to see some really nice cars (1st gens especially). i wish i could've been there for the entire meet, sounds like the whole weekend was a blast for you guys!


looking forward to the next meet. maybe my car will be at least driveable in time for next year's.


p.s. did anyone else get any sunburn?? blush


For the last 5 years or me, donny, and gary have been getting together at the local anderson car show.


One year Jim "Big Jim" made it down for one day.


This year all the prime suspects will be there and even Rick Eckenfels said he may try to come, also maybe richard and joyce, if they come it will be there 2nd time coming. Ronnie bryan said he would like to, but we'll see how it plays out. Also Mike from NC with that perfect 72 grille in his car said he would like to come.


Kevin made it last year. This year could be good.

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